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Food Technology
Food Technology
Rohtak-124001, Haryana (INDIA)

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Saturday, 29 March 2025

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About Us

India is one of the most important food producers in the world. Although food processing is one of the biggest industries in India ranking fifth in terms of production, consumption, export and expected growth, it accounts for only 1.7 % of world trade in this sector. However, the changing lifestyles, food habits, urbanization, organized food retail, increased agricultural production, higher disposable incomes, trade liberalization and the preference of women for jobs in government/ private sector have been driving the growth of processed food sector and is poised to become one of the highest yielding sectors in India. In the recent years, there has been amplified focus on this sector and Food technology has been identified by the Government of India as sunrise industry due to its gargantuan impact and significance in the Indian development sector. The importance of food technology lies in the verity that it has immense the potential to provide food to our population through scientific conservations, eliminating losses and making available more balanced and nutritious food.

The department of Food Technology at Maharshi Dayanand University is committed for quality education and research in the areas of food processing and technology. The department has been laying its emphasis in generating the technical and scientific manpower to cater to the needs of growing food industry in addition to the technology development for food preservation and value added processing.


Many people are under the misconception that in food technology we either teach our students how to cook, or how to formulate and paln diets. This is very far from the truth, since food technology is about the science behind the manufacturing of food products on industrial scale. It incorporates many disciplines such as food microbiology, food chemistry and food engineering. Food technologists fulfil important positions in food manufacturing companies such as quality control, production management and new product development. We pride ourselves on the fact that our students are competently prepared for this exciting career and that they are well sought after in the food industry.


Food Technology is aimed at the application of science and technology to the analysis, processing, utilization, diversification, value addition, packaging, distribution and preservation of foods.  The department is committed to produce technologically, skilled graduates capable of working in the existing food industries, using locally available raw materials to set up food processing industries to process and make nutritious, wholesome food available to consumers. 

  1. to produce skilled technical and managerial manpower  for operation management in agro-allied industries
  2. to  produce graduates with entrepreneurial capabilities
  3. to produce graduates who will be involved in consultancy services in food product development, research and development, processing and preservation
  4. to cater the need of modern food industry by developing innovative food processing and preservation technologies


Food scientists and technologists are employed in both public and private sectors national and multinational food processing ventures including dairy, meat, cereals, bakery, horticultural, breweries, confectionaries and snack food processing industries and other industries related to processing and production of food based primary and secondary products and by-products. There is a great demand of food technologists in the service sector also including the food packaging, ingredient and equipment suppliers, advertising agencies and market research companies, research establishments and universities and other government departments.

News & Events

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Recent Events


Food Technology

Prof. Baljeet S. Yadav

FORMER Head Of Department/Director

Dr. Baljeet Singh Yadav ( Oct 01, 2016 - Sep 30, 2019 )
Dr. Baljeet Singh Yadav ( Oct 01, 2013 - Sep 30, 2016 )
Dr. Baljeet Singh Yadav ( Oct 01, 2010 - Sep 30, 2013 )
MDU Branches

Dr. (Mrs.) Jyotika Dhankar

Phone : 01262-293112, 9896360766
E-mail : [email protected]


Prof. Baljeet S. Yadav


Dr. Ritika

Assistant professor
Characterization and modification of starches, cereals technology, food engineering, gluten free and other value added food product development

Dr. Jyotika

Assistant professor
Dairy technology, fruits and vegetables technology

Non-Teaching Staff

Mr. Shri Bhagwan

Dy. Superintendent

Ms. Sharmila

Lab Attendant

Mr. Haripal


department programme



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MDU Facilities

Infrastructural facilities

Although the department of Food Technology is relatively new department, but still the department has developed itself to a commendable position. At present 6 laboratories including food processing lab, food analysis lab, canning and bottling instrumentation lab and 3 research labs have been established and fully developed in the department. There are 2 big size class rooms provided with LCD and interactive board facilities. There is a computer lab with an installation capacity of 15 computers in the department. The department has a very good ambience conducive for the studies and research activities.  

MDU Facilities

Instrumentation facilities

  1. Rapid Visco-analyzer (RVA)
  2. Food texture analyzer
  3. Rheometer
  4. Viscometer
  5. UV-Vis. Double beam spectrophotometers
  6. Lyophilizer
  7. Partical Size Analyzer
  8. Gel Permeation Chromatography
  9. Colorimeter
  10. High speed cooling centrifuges
  11. Vacuum rotary evaporators
  12. Pasta and noodles extruding machine
  13. Baking oven
  14. Humidity cabinet
  15. Laminar air flow
  16. Differnt Types of Ovens and Incubators
  17. Different types of analytical and precision weighing balances
  18. Deep freezers
  19. Shaking BOD incubator
  20. Rotary shakers
  21. Circulating chiller water baths
  22. Dough mixers
  23. Canning unit
  24. Bottling unit for juices
  25. Fibre extraction units
  26. Soxhlet extraction units
  27. Kjeldahl nitrogen estimation units

Thrust Areas for Research Activities
    Isolation, characterization, modification and applications of food components like starch
    Characterization of cereal grains and cereal based value added bakery food products
    Gluten free products development and characterization
    Value added fruits and dairy based food products
    Antioxidant properties of foods
    Food chemistry and phytochemicals

Our Alumni

Contact us

Maharshi Dayanand University

Department of Food Technology

Rohtak, 124001

Phone: 01262-393112, 9896360766

E-mail: hod.foodtech@mdurohtak.ac.in

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