Program: | M.SC. (STATISTICS) (905) |
UploadedBy: | SURESH CHANDER |
Remarks: | The material contains the formulations procedure for the Dynamic Programming Problems as Non-Linear Programming Problems. The solution procedure is discussed by considering some pratical examples related to Industry and Managment Sectors. The material has been taken up from http://web.mit.edu |
Program: | M.SC. (STATISTICS) (905) |
UploadedBy: | SURESH CHANDER |
Remarks: | The basic concepts of Statistics with R-Programming are described with suitable examples. The material has been taken up from the pdf file of generated by Prof. Shalabh, IIT Kanpur |
Program: | M.SC. (STATISTICS) (905) |
UploadedBy: | SURESH CHANDER |
Remarks: | Some non-linear programming problems such as quadratic and seprable programming problems are considered. Their solution methods are discussed by taking practical situations. The basic terms are also explained. |
Program: | M.SC. (STATISTICS) (905) |
UploadedBy: | SURESH CHANDER |
Remarks: | Some optimization problems are formulated by considering the practical situations previaling in industrial and management sectors. The methodology for solving these problems has been provided. The basic concepts used for the formulation of the problems are also described in brief. |
Program: | M.SC. (STATISTICS) (905) |
UploadedBy: | SURESH CHANDER |
Remarks: | Here, we shall provide the importance and significance of the subject statistics in modern era. The functions and limitations along with applications of statistics are described with illustrations. The significance of some measures of central tendencies are also explained. |
Program: | M.SC. (STATISTICS) (905) |
UploadedBy: | AMITA DHANKHAR |
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